Monday, February 16, 2015

Motivate ME Monday!~ Motivation and Inspiration to get You started!

Do you have any motivation to spare? Because lately ( for the past 7 months) I have had none! I have had zero motivation to do anything! To be honest, my life has been pretty crazy these past few months and I think all the craziness stole my motivation! I need to get out of this rut!
I don't know about you, but I hate when I don't have the motivation or inspiration to do the things I want to do. ( or need to get done) That is why I came up with Motivate ME Monday! My goal with Motivate ME Monday is to make a commitment to myself ( and my readers) to work / post on my blog every Monday. I want Motivate ME Monday to inspire me and anyone who reads it to create something fun or delicious!
So for my first Motivate ME Monday post I thought that I create a list of recipes and projects that inspire and motivate me to do the things I love.


I love to cook! Food & Wine and foodgawker are two sites that make me wanna cook! I love Food  & Wine because I can learn about the different foods and food trends. Some of Food & Wine recipes can be challenging, but a challenge can motivate me!  Foodgawker is awesome because it gives you a variety of delicious recipes all on one page! If I'm not sure what I want to eat, I just look at foodgawker and I become inspired. 


For Christmas last year I got a new Cannon DSLR camera and this year for Christmas I got PhotoShop Elements13! The only problem is that in the year that I have had my camera I am no closer to knowing how to get the most out of it. That is because I have had no motivation to become a better photographer. Now that I have PhotoShop and a great camera, I have no reason not to become a better photographer. I've pinned so many different articles on camera and Photoshop tips, now its time to use those pins. What I like about 31 days to a better photo, by Life with My 3 Boybarians is that it engages you to get out and use your camera, to learn about photography. Series like these motivate because you are always aiming for the next goal of the challenge. 


Have you ever started a big project and then lost the drive to finish it? Well I have! This past fall, I started to savage a very large doll house for my baby girl. I had tons of ideas...." I'm gonna take the roof off and add a room"...."ohhh I could build a porch!" I got as far as sanding the outside. I want to be able to give it to my baby girl by her 2nd birthday in May. (my original plan was to have it done for her by Christmas.) I've been trying to brainstorm for this big project of mine and voila inspiration! I love how Erin, over at Lansdownelife, redid  her doll house! This was just the motivation I needed to plan out my  DIY dollhouse. Other people's projects are great ways to get inspiration and motivation.


PicMonkey!! Sometimes I just need to create something and that is when I go on PicMonkey and just play around! Just being on there and creating something, gets my creative juices flowing and that leads to great ideas. My great ideas can keep me motivated from start to finish of a project. For example: in this picture I am trying to create a label for my Motivate ME Monday posts. I didn't really like this, its missing something. But just by starting to create this label it made me pumped to finish it and make it better! 


I know everyone has seen these cleaning calendars, just type "cleaning calendar" into Pinterest and hundreds will come up. What I like about these is that it creates an easy schedule. Schedules can be great because it is a great way to manage your time. I know when I manage my time right and get everything done in a day that I wanted it helps me stay motivated for the next day. Staying organized and making lists can be a big push in staying motivated.

So there it is my very first Motivate ME Monday post! See you next week!

Ohh before you go here a little motivation to help you get through the week: 
When you feel like quieting think of why you started.


  1. Well, you motivated ME! Actually, I just need motivation to "focus" on one thing at a time! I loved reading about all the ways you find motivation. I could get lost for hours on Foodgawker! Thank you for this entertaining post and thanks for partying with us at the Inspire Me Monday's link-up. Have a great weekend and I hope we'll see you back at the link-up next week!

    1. Thanks Bridget for stoping by! So glad I could motivate you! See you next week!
