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Sunday, April 19, 2015

Motivate ME Monday!~Balancing Life: 4 Part Series that will help You balance your Life

My daughter and I are currently going through a BIG change! I am going back to work. :( I love being a stay at home mom, but right now my family needs me to have a job.  With all the changes going on right now there is one main thing that is on my mind; Balance! I am stressing out about how I will balance being a working mother. 

I know that balance won't come easy and it won't come overnight. To help myself (and baby girl) I have narrowed down four areas that I need to really focus on. Routines, Budgets, Chores, and Meals. All four of these parts of our lives are going to be heavily affected. In each part of the series you will follow me through my journey. I will share tips and tricks, and what did and didn't work. With this series I hope to help you and myself achieve balance in everyday life.

Balancing Life: Part 1. Routines

Routines are HUGE for me. And the routine that I have the most difficulty with is the MORNING routine! I am NOT a morning person! So much so that I sleep trained baby girl to sleep in till 9 am! That is right ladies; my 2 year old will sleep in till 9 am! Like most jobs, mine requires me to be there in the morning. Thinking of having to be up before 9 am scared me! I knew this was going to be one of the hardest things about going back to work. 

After the first morning I realized that I would need a routine or I would never get out of the house on time. I have to be honest, I have not gotten my AM routine down. Each morning it does get better. When it came to creating my routine I found that these 10 tips made the mornings seem not as bad. Your AM routine sets the tone for the rest of your day and these 10 tips will make it easier to streamline your morning and the rest of your day.

1. Wake up first- I know that you have properly heard this one before. The first morning I had to wake up for work I didn't follow this tip. I should have! Waking up before baby girl does not only give me time to get ready, but it gives me quite time! Like I said morning are horrible and I find it helps if I don't have to wake up and be instantly bombarded. 

2.Do something small- I find that doing something small like making my bed or emptying the dishwasher gets my motor running.  Doing something small can keep you from becoming lazy in the mornings.

3. Eat Breakfast- I never eat breakfast. Never really have. I normally would wake up at 9 am and not eat until baby girl would go down for her nap at noon. That won't work for me any more. I am still trying to figure out how to work breakfast into my mornings because it is the most important meal of the day!

4. Prepare the night before- Preparing the night before helps you streamline your mornings. Make lunches right after you clean up from dinner or make a to do list for the next day.

5. Go over daily details- Each morning make sure you go over any big or usually details about that day. For example, note if your children are going on a field trip and their after school bus will be late. Going over daily details will help you prepare for later on in the day.

6. Start with your BIGGEST task- Starting with your biggest task will not only get your motor running, but will also take stress off later in the day. 

7.Breath, don't rush- If you are late, then you are late! Just accept it and move on, don't let running late ruin the rest of your morning. When you rush you might leave out big important details of the day. Don't worry, it happens to everyone!

8. Know your timeline- Create a timeline for your mornings, learn it and follow it!

9.Help your kids help you- Allow your kids to be a little more independent in the mornings. Have a morning zone area for your kids. Have their book bags, shoes, lunches, whatever they need for the day in one area. Have your children help you prep the area the night before so that they know where everything is. This streamlines both of your mornings.

10. Tell someone you LOVE them- This one is my favorite part of my routine. When someone says " I Love You" it makes them smile.  I love seeing hubby and baby girl smile. The smiles on their faces make the mornings worth it!

Routines help you so that you are not always playing catch up from the day before. But there is one thing I need to catch up with and that is Relaxation. Being a working mommy leaves me little time for some of the things I use to like to do. Everyone needs relaxation or they will eventually bust from stress.  That is why I have purposed to hubby that we create a PM relaxation routine. 

Crunch time during our routine seems to be in the beginning of the evening.  Evenings are rough; dinner, homework (we don't have that yet, but I can only imagine what that will do to our routines), bath, kids to bed, chores, prepare for the tomorrow, etc... Where does relaxation fit in?!?!?!?  The point of our relaxation routine is so that we can decompress from the day and spend healthy alone time with one another. Part of the routine is that we spend at least one hour a night doing something that we find relaxing. For example on Sunday nights I like to blog and hubby likes to watch old T.V shows.  Each night we do something different during our relaxation routine. One night that is a must on our routine is electronics free! We turn off our phones, iPad, computers, T.V. Its nice to be free of social media and noise! Our PM relaxation routine allows up to stop playing catch up!

Do you have routines? What are some things that help you with your routine?


  1. Love this! So glad it's a series! These are really great tips! I would love for you to share this over at my new link party Making Memories Mondays going on now!

    1. Thanks Cathy for stopping by! I've been out for a min, but now I am back and ready to finish publishing this series! I'll be sure to stop by and link up!

  2. These are great tips. It is so important to try and have balance in our lives. Good luck with your new job! Thanks for linking up to Small Victories Sunday Link Up!

    1. HI Tanya! Thanks for dropping in! I love linking up @ Small Victories Sunday Link up! See you next Sunday!

  3. I am in agreement all over!! I am a work at home mom with part-time care for my littles, so without routine, I would have chaos! Thanks for sharing at Merry Monday, and can't wait to see what you link up this week!

    1. Thanks Megan for coming by! I differently understand chaos without our routines! See you on Monday at Merry Monday!

  4. I so agree! setting yourself up for success begins with a good routine and prepping the night before.

  5. شركة تنظيف خزانات بالقصيم

    لكل عمل له من يقوم به ولكن أين تجد الشخص المناسب لكي يقوم بالعمل الجيد والمناسب، فإذا أردت أن تقوم بتنظيف خزان المياه الخاص بكَ عليكَ أن تتعامل مع الجهة الموثوق فيها وفي عملها، فهذا هو المهم ولن تجد يوماً أفضل من شركة تنظيف خزانات بالقصيم لأنها من الشركات التي لن توظف لديها غير الأشخاص الحاصلين على الخبرة الطويلة.
    كما تعمل على تدريبهم بصورة مستمرة للتأكد من مهارتهم العالية في العمل وتنميتها بحيث أن تكون أفضل مما هو عليه، تتم عملية تنظيف خزانات المياه في إطار مهم وكبير فنحن نقدم لكم أفضل العروض والخصومات التي تبدأ من 30% إلى ما يقارب 50%.


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